With Imagine, Inc., both with Stonecraft and Truseal divisions, your continued health is as important as any other consideration.
Building with a solid ICF wall or insuring there are no drafts in a wood frame structure with foam insulationmeans fewer illnesses for your family.
Specifically with ICF, nothing blows through reinforced concrete. There will be absolutely no drafts or cold spots. ICF homeowners have commented on how constant temperatures stay within their homes. Because of the tremendous thermal mass of the exterior wall envelope, temperature peaks are smoothed, and therefore homes are noticeably warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
There are no CFCs, HCFCs, or formaldehydes, and also no wood to rot and mold. ICFs are the answer for allergy and asthma sufferers. They have a two-hour fire rating and are termite and pest resistant. But most importantly, these structures can withstand a severe storm hit. Have you considered climate change into your future structure’s design?
Our world’s number one challenge is to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is being discharged into our atmosphere. The earth’s relatively sudden warming and consequent dramatic effects of climate change are directly related to these carbon dioxide emissions.
- Every ICF home saves approximately 8.5 trees and effectively preserve nature’s air filters.
- If we can reduce our energy bills by as high as 40%, we can reduce CO2 emissions by the same amount. The world’s international Kyoto agreement insists on a reduction of emissions by 50% just to slow down the effects of global warming. ICFs are a part of the answer to CO2 reductions.
Most importantly, ICF walls provide safe shelter from severe storms. Some national recognized severe storm scientists state that the United States has entered into a storm cycle with may last another 15 years.