I’m so far behind in posting news articles, but today I was searching online for something regarding Truseal Insulation and I ran across this news article that had great coverage of what we have to offer.
Here’s the link:http://www.waaytv.com/Global/story.asp?s=7949821
And here’s the text that really pertains to our company:
Navid Foroughi of TruSeal Insulation gets our vote for “Best Visual Demonstration of Product” with his heat detecting camera. Besides taking the fun of playing in a department store video display to a whole new level, the camera serves to show that no heat passes through TruSeal Insulation, even when blown through.(You’ll have to come see this cool experiment for yourself!)Navid tells WAAYTV.com that when TruSeal is installed in a home, the air conditioning and heating units can often be downsized, cutting power bills by more than half.
How fabulous is that! Go to the link to read all the other reviews.